Systemation Technology Inc. is an engineering firm specializing in custom designs typically centered on flat panel applications.
Applications include:
- Land: Video controller for tank monitor, with overlay
- Video controller with rotate
- Sea: On-board monitor system for submarine Monitor upgrade for Navy LCAC
- Air: MCDU for data acquisition, navigational aid, flight management
- Inertial navigation systems upgrade
- Flight management computer
- Radio user interface hardware
- Next generation commercial washing machine controller
- Oil platform range finder
- Automotive video format converter
- Hand held automotive performance device
- LCD monitor controlled surveillance cameras
- Gas Dispenser Monitor
- High voltage power generation for portable x-ray
- Non-radioactive blood sterilization technology
Systemation Technology Inc. has extensive experience in prototyping and production. Systemation Technology produces single or multi-board systems.
See FAQs for a product comparison and custom LCD product development worksheets.